Marketing Measurement & Analytics :12-Wk Implementation


Providing marketers visibility into their marketing performance, offering recommendations on channel mix and spend, based on individual campaign goals.

Since around 80% of CPG sales happens offline (through retailers), marketers find it difficult to measure the ROI of an individual campaign on sales of a brand in a given DMA. Traditional partners on MMM (like Nielsen) usually run these reports quarterly (once in 12 weeks) which doesn't give brands an opportunity to optimize their campaigns in-flight or in real-time. Also the current alternatives usually charge customers by brand by market which turns out to be very expensive for the customer. Not having visibility into campaign performance results in underperforming campaigns and wasted marketing budgets.

Sigmoid’s marketing measurement and analytics solutions gives marketers visibility into their marketing performance on a weekly basis, helping them optimize their campaign strategy mid-flight. The solution can also generate recommendations on their channel mix and spend, based on their campaign goals. Prioritizing driver KPIs such as Revenue, profiatbility, ROI on Marketing Investment, Market Share, Brand Penetration, etc., we help marketers with the following:

  1. MAA (Marketing Activity Attribution)
  2. MMM (Marketing Mix Modelling)
  3. Campaign Optimization
  4. Social Media Analytics
  5. Market Segmentation & Audience Analytics

Challenges towards solution implementation addressed by the solution:

  1. Access to data - We have defined a set of essential data sets at a certain granularity that needs to be in place for this solution to work. Usually, CPGs have their data in silos. The first step is to process that data and collect it in one place. We can also help the customer in automated data ingestion and processing to enable advanced analytics leveraging Databricks workloads.
  2. Domain-specific knowledge or expertise - To build a complex solution like this, one needs to have an in-depth understanding of how marketing works in CPGs, very strong Data Science Capabilities to create those models, and strong Data Engineering capabilities to perform the pre-processing, model deployment. With a very strong DE and DS practice and experience on the Azure stack, coupled with a strong understanding of the marketing function for CPGs, we bring in all the skills required to build such a solution.
  3. Technical challenges - The attribution model is pretty complex. We can run this solution without creating any Marketing Dark cells.
  4. Scalability - This solution is easily scalable across brands and geos as we have pre-built accelerators for both ingesting the data and also have the basic ML models built that needs to be tweaked a bit for each case. Plus, this is a solution built for all categories of markets, i.e.,rich data & high marketing spend, poor data & big marketing spend, rich data & low marketing spend, and poor data & low marketing spend.

Adhering to the Well Architected Framework of Azure and having considerable exprience building the above mentioned solutions on the Azure stack with services such as ADF, ADLS, Synapse Analytics, Azure ML and Azure Databricks, Sigmoid can help you in understanding the effectiveness of marketing efforts, in optimizing resource allocation, driving continuous improvement, gaining customer insights, ensuring accountability, and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.