Data Media Room: 15-day Implementation

Sopra Steria Italy

Platform for the acquisition of social/ws web channels, and subsequent analysis of the sentiment on the brand that allow you to take timely actions for the prevention and management of media flames

Sopra Steria has developed a platform that can be adapted to the specific media communication needs of the customer, in particular it is able to:

  • collecting news and conversations on social kennels, stores them in a datalake, using machine learning models, enriches them with sentiment, the topic being talked about, etc.
  • processing the information of the datalake populates dashboards that highlight the topics discussed in online conversations with the related service, allowing to act promptly to prevent any media flames and crisis situations in corporate communications

The consultancy aims to achieve the following objectives: • Collect and enrich social data to support communication with real-time information and data • Prevent and anticipate weak and strong network signals with automatic alert systems and immediate information • Acting, listening to the network, to resolve critical issues in real time

The solution involves the use of the following Azure services: Azure Cognitive Service, Azure CosmosDB, Azure Functions, Azure Storage Account

Data Media Room: 15-day Implementation
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