Test Drive 2020: 3 Weeks to PoC


SOUTHWORKS Test Drive is a paid (discounted) 3-week proof of concept that lets you experience firsthand the difference our “own it, bring it, prove it” approach can bring to your next dev project.

Our professional services are great for Azure customers who need help moving existing, or creating new workloads in Azure. For more experienced Azure customers, our deep and wide expertise can help improve scale & resilience, add monitoring or tooling to help optimize costs.

Here’s what SOUTHWORKS will deliver during and at the end of your Test Drive:

- First hand experience working with our Fireteams

- Clear, concise daily updates with a refreshingly transparent communication style.

- Tangible PoC that can serve as a steppingstone for future work, without having to make a significant financial and time investment.

- We will outline potential challenges unique to your architecture and use cases – so you can plan ahead and avoid more pitfalls.

- Determine a more accurate scope and refine your road-map – because you’ll know exactly how much one SOUTHWORKS Fireteam can get done in a week.

Here’s how the Test Drive works:

1) Give us your toughest problem – Pick the two or three things that carry the biggest risk in you project, and we’ll tackle those up front.

2) Sit back and enjoy the ride – We’ll get one of our dedicated 3-developer Fireteams on it right away, understanding your needs and building a proof of concept deliverable in just three weeks.

3) Get great results or get your money back – A successful Test Drive means you’ll have overcome your biggest hurdle before you even start the full project.

A SOUTHWORKS Test Drive gives you a firsthand look at how SOUTHWORKs Makes Everything Right. And if we can do all this in just three weeks, imagine what we could do in three months.

Test Drive is NO risk, ALL reward - we'll Make It Right, or we'll refund your money, no hassles.
