GitHub Migration Accelerator - 4-Wk Implementation


A comprehensive 4-week implementation, designed to facilitate a seamless transition from your current SCM to GitHub, ensuring a smooth migration process for your code repositories, and pipelines.

Business Outcomes:

• Seamless Migration Experience: Ensure a smooth and interruption-free transition from Azure DevOps or any other compatible version control platform to GitHub, minimising disruptions and preserving historical data integrity during the migration process. • Enhanced GitHub Collaboration: Leverage GitHub's collaborative features to improve team communication, code review processes, and collaborative development workflows. • Optimised CI/CD Migration: Successfully migrate and reconfigure CI/CD pipelines for GitHub Actions, ensuring a swift and reliable software development lifecycle in the GitHub environment. • Preserved Code Quality and Security: Implement automated code quality checks, advanced security scanning (for enterprise accounts), and branch policies to uphold and enhance code quality and security standards within the GitHub repository.

A summary of key deliverables and offering schedule include aspects:

Deliverables: • Comprehensive migration plan, including scope, objectives, and acceptance criteria. • Source code, and CI/CD pipelines migrated from the source system to GitHub. • Report on repository and CI/CD migration statistics. • Handover documentation, including GitHub usage guidelines, best practices, and training materials.


Week 1: Planning and Setup • Project Kick-off (Day 1): • Gather key stakeholders and team members. • Define migration scope, objectives, and acceptance criteria. • Environment Assessment (Day 2-3): • Conduct a thorough assessment of your existing version control & CI/CD environment. • Identify repositories, pipelines, and dependencies to be migrated. • GitHub organisation Setup (Day 4-5): • Create a GitHub organisation if not already in place. • Configure organisation and security access control(s). • Configure repository permissions and policies.

Week 2: Repository Migration and CI Configuration • Repository Migration (Day 6-7): • Migrate source code repositories from Azure DevOps or similar tool to GitHub. • Preserve commit history and associated metadata. • GitHub Actions Setup (Day 7-9): • Configure GitHub Actions for CI/CD. • Replicate and optimise existing build pipelines.

Week 3: Collaboration and Code Quality • Team Collaboration Setup (Day 10-11): • Configure teams and permissions in GitHub for effective collaboration. • Train teams on GitHub collaboration features. • Code Quality and Advanced Security (Day 12-14): • Implement automated code quality checks using GitHub code scanning. • Configure advanced security scanning tools for GitHub repositories (for enterprise accounts).

Week 4: Testing, Optimisation, and Wrap-Up • Testing and Optimisation (Day 15-18): • Conduct testing of migrated repositories and CI/CD workflows. • Optimise GitHub Actions for performance. • Project Review and Handover (Day 19-20): • Conduct a project review meeting with stakeholders. • Handover solution documentation and provide a training workshop for ongoing GitHub adoption and best practices.