Oracle to Azure 8-Week Implementation

Version 1

An accelerated technical discovery and business value assessment to understand your Oracle estate - migrating two agreed pilot workloads to Azure with a view to informing future wider migrations.

There is often a misconception that migrating Oracle workloads to public cloud will be expensive, difficult and place the workloads in an unsupported state.

The key concerns for organisations seeking to migrate Oracle workloads to public cloud are:

  • Can the same service levels and scalability still be obtained?
  • Will licensing costs for my solution increase?
  • Will my Oracle implementation still be supported, and can we obtain relevant patches?

AzureStart (our Rapid Adoption framework developed in close collaboration with Microsoft) is typically a short-term, high-value engagement. It is based on a series of repeatable steps which can be used to incrementally, securely and safely, to migrate selected Oracle workloads to the cloud.

The high-level steps are:

  • Discover - This phase involves a Rapid Discovery Process to define scope and understand your business context. Version 1 Cloud Experts evaluate your current service for migration and, optionally, your existing Oracle licensing position.
  • Optimise - During the Optimisation Process, an examination is carried out to determine the total cost of ownership and potential cloud running costs in addition to considering the tooling and migration plan for your pilot.
  • Pilot - Version 1 conducts a targeted pilot of two workloads using the scope defined in the Discovery phase. The Pilot refines the Cloud Migration process and helps to inform the next steps for your organisation.
  • Migrate - The Discovery, Optimisation and Pilot phases provides organisations with an incremental approach to migrating Oracle workloads to Azure. These inform the basis for building a larger Cloud Migration roadmap.

Version 1 is with industry leading Oracle migration, integration and licensing expertise.

Please see below our Microsoft co-authored whitepaper.

(Quoted pricing and duration are estimates and will depend on the size and complexity of the agreed workloads)