Event Grid Partner Registration


Event Grid Partner Registration


Partner Events publishers create a registration to define a partner topic type and enable a first-party experience through which users create partner topics. A registration also allows you to provide support contact information that an event subscriber can use to report issues or ask questions about the partner topic.

Partner Events publishers create a registration to enable a first-party experience through which users can create partner topics you define. A Partner Registration mainly describes the following:

  • The resource (partner topic) type that users see on Azure portal’s Event Grid Create Partner Topic. Each Partner Registration defines a type of partner topic. Hence, it is possible to define more than one type through additional Partner Registration instances.
  • The URI to a web page an Event Grid partner hosts that provides the ability for users to create a partner topic.
  • The general contact information for a user to get support from you (an Event Grid partner) when issues or questions about the partner topic type you are defining.