Microsoft Connected Cache for Internet Service Providers (preview)


Microsoft Connected Cache for Internet Service Providers (preview)


Microsoft Connected Cache preview is a software-only caching solution that delivers Microsoft static content within operator networks. Microsoft Connected Cache can be deployed to as many physical servers or VMs as needed and is managed from a cloud portal. Microsoft cloud services handle routing of consumer devices to the cache server for content downloads.

Microsoft Connected Cache preview is a software-only caching solution that delivers Microsoft static content within operator networks. Microsoft Connected Cache can be deployed to as many physical servers or VMs as needed and is managed from a cloud portal. Microsoft cloud services handle routing of consumer devices to the cache server for content downloads.

Microsoft Connected Cache is a hybrid application, in that it's a mix of on-premises and cloud resources. It's composed of a Docker-compatible Linux container deployed to your server and a cloud management portal. Microsoft chose Azure IoT Edge as a secure and reliable control plane. Even though your scenario isn't related to IoT, Azure IoT Edge is our secure Linux container deployment and management infrastructure. For more information, Microsoft Connected Cache for Internet Service Providers.

Benefits of Microsoft Connected Cache

- Reduces Load On Backbone - 98%+ Cache hit/ratio

- Requires no content management - Transparent, intelligent cache, pull model, caches only what is consumed by devices on your network

- Offers flexible deployment to as many bare-metal servers or VMs as needed

- Improves Download Experience - Brings the source closer to the end user (1.5 X faster download speeds & higher download success rate)