Cyber Security Awareness and Phishing as a Service


Cyber Security Awareness and Phishing as a Service


Protect employees from email threats by teaching how to mitigate potential security risks.

Secure your business by

Educating your frontline

Cybersecurity presents one of the largest threats to all small businesses in Australia. One of the biggest liabilities to an organisation's security starts at the frontline – not with your IT, but your employees. According to Gartner Inc., 95% of data breaches are caused by human error, with 91% of cyber attacks starting with a phishing email. Ensure your organisation has the best frontline defense with Alliance Business Technologies fully-managed Cyber Security Awareness Training & Assessment program.

Program Overview

  • Educate your team to recognize the signs of phishing and other social engineering attacks through the deployment of simulated exercises and educational content.
  • Reduce the risk of email fraud, data loss, and brand damage by training employees to recognize sophisticated phishing attacks.
  • Accurately measure employee awareness and progress throughout their learning journey.
  • Streamlined platform offers simplicity, ease of use and fast ROI.
  • Identify vulnerability and reporting trends across the organization or at smaller group levels.

Why might you need our training program?

  • Are there any regulations you must comply with? Such as HIPAA?
  • Have you been hit with any phishing attempts in your network?
  • Is email security top of mind in your organization? 
  • Email-borne threats have evolved, becoming increasingly difficult for technology to detect and mitigate.
  • Are you experiencing an increased number of spear phishing attacks, CEO impersonations, business email compromise (BEC) attacks, and many more?
  • Spend less time addressing attack damage/cost.

A successful spear-phishing attack can lead to malware infections, theft of credentials and email account takeover, or worst. compromised accounts can be used to launch subsequent spear-phishing attacks. Not only can a spear-phishing attack lead to monetary loss (ransomware alone cost businesses $170B in 2019) but it can also tarnish a businesses’ brand.

Talk to our team for an obligation free consultation.

ABT Corporate Security Snapshot

We are a Microsoft Gold Partner, and member of the ASCS - Managed Service Provider Partner Program (MSP3), part of the Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) which provides expert guidance to help entities mitigate cyber security incidents caused by various cyber threats. 

Our accreditations include ISO 9001:2008 Quality Assurance, GITC Accreditation Q-2645.