Workplace Management Suite
Acuvate Software Ltd
Workplace Management Suite
Acuvate Software Ltd
Workplace Management Suite
Acuvate Software Ltd
Application to maintain operational continuity by managing workplace employee social distancing
The world is now slowly entering into a post-pandemic era. Operational continuity and return to work are being queried by the rapid action teams. Human focused experiences to swiftly steer a new course of action is on the radar.
Acuvate's workplace management suite helps in re-engineering the return to work experience smoothly. Plan, predict, and recover forms the basis of the offering. Acuvate leverages Microsoft "Power Platform" to build these apps quickly and extract actionable data insights.
These business applications can be deployed in a matter of a couple of weeks using Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI. The virtual assistant to help employees navigate the new normal has been build using Power Virtual Agents
Plan For Operational Continuity:
- Office slot booking with capacity management & seat allocation.
- Safety gear detection using cognitive services.
- Attendance monitoring
- Health and safety checks aligning with regulations
- Visitor management module
- Health checks and self-attestation
Predict using dashboards and forms:
- Office occupancy forecasts analyzing utilization.
- Safety gear usage projections steering corrective measures
- Visitor metrics estimation for precautionary actions.
- Self assess for the risk of Covid-19
- Survey to collect insights impact key areas
Recover by managing critical human chain KPI's:
- Employee engagement
- Collaboration
- Workforce Well-being
- COVID cases tracker
- Adequate communication
Leaders seeking direction on how to act now and next, we extend recommendations to help global business services be more resilient and overcome the pandemic rage.