three rocks smart slides
three rocks smart slides
three rocks smart slides
Store all your organisation's slides in one place using three rocks Smart Slides
three rocks SmartSlides allows you to store all your organisation's slides in one place, so when creating a new deck for a project or prospective client all the content is up to date and ready to be selected.
Filter through your slides to only show relevant content for your needs, making slide deck creation seamless.
For example, if you are pitching to a school, search your slide library for education, then all your slides on education will be shown and you add the relevant ones to your deck.
The benefits of SmartSlides include PowerPoints are made more efficiently. Utilising content you’ve already created and helping you to show examples of previous work/projects.
Avoid recreating slides that you have made in the past. All your slides are readily available and easy to find and filter, allowing for seamless PowerPoint creation.