Akamai Enterprise Threat Protector Standard | Enterprise Threat Protector is cloud based Secure Internet Gateway delivered at the Edge.
Key Features - Activate the service with a simple DNS configuration change
- Real-time threat intelligence based on Akamai’s unprecedented visibility of the internet to proactively block malicious domains and risky URLs
- Enforce an acceptable use policy (AUP) and block inappropriate web content
- Protect off-network devices – laptops, tablets and mobile devices – without the need backhaul traffic over a VPN
- Identify and block shadow IT based on risk or category and block or allow application operations
- Identify and block newly created phishing pages in real-time and at the point of request even if they have never been seen before
- Protect against confidential or sensitive data being posted to the public internet with data loss prevention
- Log and report security and AUP events