Alert Logic Threat Manager - BYOL

Alert Logic

Alert Logic Threat Manager - BYOL

Alert Logic

Alert Logic Threat Manager for Azure is a network intrusion detection service (IDS)

Bring Your Own License enabled.

Alert Logic Threat Manager is a service backed by a team of more than 150 certified security analysts who use custom network intrusion detection system (IDS) tools and vulnerability scanning to provide 24x7 monitoring of threats that could compromise data or impact system availability, while also assessing customer security and compliance posture.

  • Provides a holistic view of security in Microsoft Azure environments.
  • Provides comprehensive intrusion detection with a database of more than 52,000 signatures as well as the ability to create custom rules.
  • Offers unlimited internal and external vulnerability scanning.
  • The threat database is continually updated by the Alert Logic security research team using emerging threat data from existing customers, open source options and third-party sources.
  • Patented expert system scans billions of events and uses intelligent multifactor correlation to identify incidents and minimize false positives.
  • 24x7 Security Operations Center monitoring of all activity, validating incidents and escalating them to you with advice on response and remediation.

  • Alert Logic Threat Manager is a service backed by a team of more than 150 certified security analysts who use custom network intrusion detection system (IDS) tools and vulnerability scanning to provide 24×7 monitoring of threats that could compromise data or impact system availability, while also assessing customers’ security and compliance posture. Provides a holistic view of security in Microsoft Azure environments. Provides comprehensive intrusion detection with a database of more than 52,000 signatures as well as the ability to create custom rules. Offers unlimited internal and external vulnerability scanning. The threat database is continually updated by the Alert Logic security research team using emerging threat data from existing customers, open source options and third-party sources. Patented expert system scans billions of events and uses intelligent multifactor correlation toidentify incidents and minimize false positives. 24×7 Security Operations Center monitoring of all activity, validating incidents and escalating them to you with advice on response and remediation.