Dotclear on Ubuntu 18.04

Apps4Rent LLC

Dotclear on Ubuntu 18.04

Apps4Rent LLC

It is an open-source web publishing application.

Dotclear is a feature-rich publishing tool that provides content creators capabilities beyond the core functionalities of regular content management systems. Users have the choice of managing entries with Wiki syntax or XHTML. The widgets and themes allow users to customize and personalize blogs.

Editors can import and export content from previous blogs and even track and react to other blog entries. Authors can use alphabets from other languages in their blogs as well. Most importantly, there is almost no performance deterioration even for large quantities of data.

Key features available in Dotclear on Ubuntu

  • In-browser editing.
  • Wysiwyg editor with toolbox for easy publishing.
  • User-friendly administration interface.
  • PHP template editing and parsing.
  • Flexible media management.
  • Privacy and security features.
  • Extensibility and scalability.
  • Multiblog, multi-user and multi-database support.

Note: Change the server name,server alias setting as per your domain with sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/dotclear.conf and restart apache Service

Application URL: http://publicdnsip/admin | Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www".

MariaDB Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www". | Database Name: dotclear | Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www".

Disclaimer: Apps4Rent does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. The products come with open source licenses. 

Default ports:

  • SSH: 22
  • HTTP: 80
  • HTTPS: 443
  • MySQL: 3306