Evolution CMS on Ubuntu 18.04

Apps4Rent LLC

Evolution CMS on Ubuntu 18.04

Apps4Rent LLC

Evolution CMS is a lightweight yet feature-rich Content Management System (CMS).

Evolution CMS is a developer-centric CMS that allows users to customize virtually everything that comes as a part of the package. It is equally intuitive and flexible making it an ideal framework to securely deploy websites and applications. Users can quickly and easily develop and maintain complex, dynamic websites.

Evolution CMS is regularly updated with new features that can be exploited by skilled developers to enhance their websites. The backward compatibility has always been preserved through successive releases of the software. Based on the Laravel framework, Evolution CMS simplifies tasks for developers and allows beginners to hone their skills.

Key features available in Evolution CMS on Ubuntu 18.04

  • Manageable learning curve.
  • Safe, reliable and secure.
  • Plugin, snippet and module support.
  • Customizable themes and templates.
  • Supports the latest web technologies.
  • Developer friendly framework.

Note: Change the server name,server alias setting as per your domain with sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/evolution.conf and restart Apache Service

Application URL:http://publicdns/evolution | Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www".

MySQL Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www". | Database Name: evolution | Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www". 

Disclaimer: Apps4Rent does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. The products come with open source licenses. It is highly recommended to change default passwords before implementing in production. 

Default ports: 

  • SSH: 22
  • HTTP: 80
  • HTTPS: 443
  • MySQL: 3306