HTMLy on Ubuntu 18.04

Apps4Rent LLC

HTMLy on Ubuntu 18.04

Apps4Rent LLC

HTMLy is a database-less, flat-file CMS and blogging platform

HTMLy is a versatile database-less blog and CMS that is built on PHP. It uses flat-files for storing data making it a resource-light platform for managing content-rich sites. It can handle over 10k posts with as little as 512MB of RAM.

HTMLy uses advanced algorithms to identify and categorize content based on factors like type, date, category, tags, and authors. Users can group and manage content easily and efficiently with powerful tools and panels.

Key features available in HTMLy on Ubuntu

  • Advanced built-in admin panel.
  • User-friendly markdown editor.
  • Simplified content categorization.
  • On-page SEO features.
  • Multi-author support.
  • Commenting facility.
  • Widget additions.
  • Performance optimization.
  • Cloud integration.
  • Recaptcha and hashing security features.

Application URL: http://publicdnsip | Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var or /var/www"

Note: Change the server name,server alias setting as per your domain with sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/htmly.conf and restart apache Service

Disclaimer: Apps4Rent does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. The products come with open source licenses. It is highly recommended to change default passwords before implementing in production. 

Default ports:

  • SSH: 22
  • HTTP: 80\
  • HTTPS: 443