TypeMill on Ubuntu20.04LTS

Apps4Rent LLC

TypeMill on Ubuntu20.04LTS

Apps4Rent LLC

Typemill CMS is a web-content publishing tool for professionals involved in the task for writing.

Typemill CMS provides a block editor that allows users to write and edit content without knowing markdown syntaxes. Users can write without distractions with a minimalistic user interface as the software has been designed to cater to non-technical audiences.

Typemill CMS provides support for themes and plugins to make the platform even more user-friendly. Content can be organized and structured appropriately to make it easier for users and search engines to find content.

Key features available in Typemill on Linux Operating System:

  • Writer friendly editor.
  • Simplified navigation.
  • User management.
  • Theme and plugin configuration dashboard.
  • Form support.
  • Responsive theme support.

Application URL: http://publicdns | Login details are saved in 'Credentials.txt' file in "/var.

Note: Change the server name,server alias setting as per your domain with sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/typemill.conf and restart apache Service

Disclaimer: Apps4Rent does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. The products come with open source licenses. It is highly recommended to change default passwords before implementing in production. 

Default ports:

  • SSH: 22
  • HTTP: 80
  • HTTPS: 443