Aqua Cloud Native Security Platform

Aqua Security Inc.

Aqua Cloud Native Security Platform

Aqua Security Inc.

Aqua provides scalable, comprehensive security controls for Docker environments that allow optimal, contextualized hardening and runtime protection of the entire stack.

Aqua Security enables enterprises to secure their virtual container environments from development to production, accelerating container adoption and bridging the gap between DevOps and IT security.

Aqua's Cloud Native Security Platform provides full visibility into container activity, allowing organizations to detect and prevent suspicious activity and attacks, providing transparent, automated security while helping to enforce policy and simplify regulatory compliance.

Using Aqua’s Cloud Native Security Platform, you can:

  • Scan your images for vulnerabilities and bad configurations to enforce their integrity across the application lifecycle.
  • Define role-based privilege in multi-tenant environments or where regulatory compliance requires limiting access to specific resources.
  • Deliver, rotate or revoke the right secrets to the right containers in runtime, while safeguarding them from unauthorized access.
  • Apply advanced threat detection and mitigation to your container workloads through container activity controls, network segmentation and host integrity controls.
  • Gain real-time visibility and control over the compliance posture of your images to enforce regulatory compliance controls for PCI, HIPAA, GDPR, and beyond, across the cloud-native application lifecycle.

For more information on Aqua, feel free to reach out to us at