Arden Street Labs Pty Ltd
Arden Street Labs Pty Ltd
Arden Street Labs Pty Ltd
Facility screening and check-in application for the purposes of supporting a COVID-safe workplace.
COVID represents a unique, long-term challenge for businesses as we move towards finding a COVID-normal way of living. One of the keys is being able to effectively screen those entering your work environment and the use of common facilities.
Our COVID Staff & Community screening solutions leverage Azure-native services, providing cost-optimised high-availability and scale. This solution has been deployed across much of Australia, including 3 States/Territories and 8 hospitals, and is ready to be leveraged in small, geographically distributed hospitals and other workplaces, such as government buildings.
Simplicity is how best to describe our solution. Over the last 7 months of production use, we’ve screened more than 2 million people, entering some of our nation’s largest hospitals. Our design has been optimized to support all demographics, as our mantra is being easy to use.