
RStudio on Windows Server 2016

AskforCloud LLC

RStudio on Windows Server 2016

AskforCloud LLC

RStudio - The most trusted IDE for open source data science.

RStudio - The most trusted IDE for open source data science.

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R and Python. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, and tools for plotting, history, debugging, and workspace management. RStudio is available in open source edition and runs on the desktop.

R Version : R-4.2.2

RStudio Version: 2022.12.0+353

Features :

🗸 Syntax highlighting, code completion, and smart indentation
🗸 Execute R code directly from the source editor
🗸 Quickly jump to function definitions
🗸 View content changes in real-time with the Visual Markdown Editor
🗸 Easily manage multiple working directories
🗸 Integrated R help and documentation
🗸 Interactive debugger
🗸 Extensive package development tools

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