Spring Boot CLI
ATH Infosystems
Spring Boot CLI
ATH Infosystems
Spring Boot CLI
ATH Infosystems
Version 3.3.4 + Free Support on Ubuntu 20.04
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Spring Boot is a powerful, open-source framework designed to simplify the development of production-ready, stand-alone Spring-based applications. It leverages the Spring Framework and its ecosystem to provide a rapid, convention-over-configuration development approach. Spring Boot is ideal for building microservices, web applications, REST APIs, and enterprise-level applications with minimal setup and configuration.
Features of Spring Boot:
- Spring Boot offers intelligent auto-configuration that eliminates the need for complex configurations, allowing developers to focus on business logic.
- It comes with built-in support for popular web servers like Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow, so no external server is needed to run the application.
- Pre-configured templates, called "starters," make it easier to add dependencies, such as database connectors, security, and more, reducing manual setup.
- Provides built-in production-ready features such as health checks, metrics, monitoring, and externalized configuration, all easily accessible via REST endpoints.
To check the spring boot version : spring --version
Disclaimer: Spring Boot is an open-source project developed and maintained by the Spring community and licensed under the Apache License 2.0. It is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by any specific company. Spring Boot is provided "as is," without any warranty, express or implied. Users utilize this software at their own risk. The developers and contributors to Spring Boot disclaim any responsibility for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use of this software. Users are encouraged to review and adhere to licensing terms and any relevant regulations while utilizing Spring Boot.