X Way

Axilion Ltd

X Way

Axilion Ltd

Axilion Smart Mobility – Mobility the AI Way.

Axilion Smart Mobility harnesses the power of AI to transform how cities manage their mobility challenges. Our X Way suite of AI Cloud Services reduces pollution, reduces congestion, and creates safer streets without the need for costly infrastructure.

X Way captures a city’s road-traffic network using unique AI Mobile Azure Edge cameras. Data is streamed through the Edge to the Azure Cloud to create a Digital Twin of the city. This combination of the Digital Twin, coupled with extraordinary AI, allows mobility to be monitored, analyzed, and optimized.

X WAY has already helped cities to bring their visions to life; our success stories include: 

  • 140,000 tons of yearly CO2 reduced.

  • Public Transport ridership up 400%, and frequency increased by 66%.

  • Pedestrian safety increased with reduced casualties at signalized intersections.

Discover more about our X Way suite of AI-based Cloud Services:

X Way Pulse: AI mobile Edge cameras capture an entire road-traffic network from a road user’s perspective to identify traffic problems and their root-causes. 

X Way Twin: Unique AI technology models real-world conditions to create a Digital Twin of the city. The Digital Twin enables new signal plans to be tested and optimized before being deployed, and facilitates “what if” road-network scenario analysis.

X Way Neural: Deep Reinforcement Learning AI technology continuously studies city-wide mobility, resulting in optimized signal time plans that better serve all road users and streamline traffic.

X Way Units 
Pricing is based on the following two parameters:
- Length of roads in KM
- Number of signalized intersections on the roads

Based on the above parameters (input provided by the customer), # of "X Way units" is calculated. One "X Way unit" is 5 KM of roads with an average of 2.5 signalized intersections.

For getting an estimation of the pricing for your needs, please click the following link and use our calculator.