
Bayer Satellite Imagery Insights


Bayer Satellite Imagery Insights


Bayer Satellite Imagery Insights

This Bayer AgPowered Service provides access to historic and current season satellite imagery, along with supporting data focused on geographies identified by the user, that shows crop health through various layers such as RGB map, Crop Vegetative map and Scouting map, which simplify the identification of outlier areas of the region.

Sentinel_2_L2A is the satellite imagery source with geographic coverage including:

  • all continental land surfaces (including inland waters) between latitudes 56° South and 82.8° North
  • all coastal waters up to 20 km from the shore
  • all islands greater than 100 km2
  • all EU islands
  • the Mediterranean Sea
  • all closed seas (e.g. Caspian Sea).

Image frequency is typically 5-10 days.

Crops currently supported include alfalfa, barley, buckwheat, canola, chickpea, corn, cotton, edible bean, flax, lentil, millet, oat, pasture, pea, peanuts, potatoes, sorghum, soybean, sugar beets, sunflower, wheat (spring, winter, and durum).

Image layers include a True Color RGB image, Vegetative Growth image, and Scouting image (which is a translation of the vegetative growth patterns into a simplified color pallet to help quickly identify growth anomalies in the field). Supporting data that feeds the imagery solutions is also available for tracking crop health through metrics as well as visuals. This AgPowered Service also leverages a cloud masking solution to remove cloudy pixels that interfere with the machine learning models used to evaluate and produce the crop health images throughout the growing season.

For more information, see Imagery Insights AgPowered Service Overview.