Bayer Smart Boundary


Bayer Smart Boundary


Automatically detect/delineate the agronomic activity boundary of a field

Bayer Smart Boundary AgPowered Services employs satellite imagery to automatically delineate the agronomic activity boundary of a field for the user.
The output of the solution is a vector geometry object that represents the predicted boundaries.
Supported crop types are: alfalfa, barley, buckwheat, canola, chickpea, corn, cotton, edible bean, flax, lentil, millet, oat, pasture, pea, peanuts, potatoes, sorghum, soybean, sugar beets, sunflower, wheat (spring, winter, and durum).
  • Date range (start date – end date) from 2017 to present.

  • Location (lat/long or bounding box) to ensure that the selected location is within the field boundary.

Output(s) formatted as vector GoeJSON:

  • Boundary that detects/delineates the overall administrative/management area of a field.

  • Boundary that detects/delineates the actual cultivated area within the administrative/management area of a field, non-planted area excluded.

For more information on features, plans and pricing, contact Bayer using the [Contact Me] Bayer Smart Boundary offer on Azure Marketplace.