Bluesource Cloud Locker
Bluesource North America
Bluesource Cloud Locker
Bluesource North America
Bluesource Cloud Locker
Bluesource North America
A cost-effective service to store, expire, search, hold, and export your legacy email and PSTs.
Over time, many businesses have built up a vast number of legacy email archives. From obsolete legacy email platforms to inherited email data via merger or acquisition, this volume of data - rarely accessed by users - is often stored around the business on a multitude of machines and costing a significant amount to host. IT and Risk departments are battling to manage this data cost effectively and securely, while legal teams battle with data governance risks, ensuring the data remains compliant as regulations continue to evolve.
While many organizations are considering a shift to Office 365, moving legacy archives can be expensive, especially with journal data where single-instancing has to be reversed. Forced to keep the data for regulatory and eDiscovery purposes, organizations struggle with where to keep this data in a supported, cost-effective location.
Bluesource Cloud Locker is a simple-to-use and affordable solution that's ideal for legacy email storage. This scalable solution can be used for storing legacy archive data, allowing organizations to easily search for and produce relevant emails for investigations and ditch aging legacy on-premises systems.