Developer-centric enterprise dynamic application security testing (DAST)

Bright Security

Developer-centric enterprise dynamic application security testing (DAST)

Bright Security

Safeguard your applications and APIs against technical and business logic vulnerabilities

Bright provides a developer-centric enterprise DAST solution. We scan applications and APIs from the outside-in, mimicking how a hacker would approach the application, and automatically tests for vulnerabilities that bad actors could use to exploit.

Unlike legacy DAST tools which were designed exclusively for expert security users after the application is already in production, Bright’s tool was built to be “developer-first”. It was designed to empower developers to create more secure applications and APIs starting in early development phases and across all stages leading up to and including production so that vulnerabilities are caught and remediated as early as possible. Scans can start as early as the Unit Testing phase in the SDLC and progress from there to find as many vulnerabilities as possible early in the development lifecycle. Remediating vulnerabilities early saves significant developer time and reduces risk.

We invested a lot to make sure the solution is both developer and AppSec friendly and have unique capabilities including quick setup, minimal false positives, developer focused remediation suggestions, the ability to run the solution from a UI, or CLI, Seamless integration with the developer toolchain, Etc.