Caddy Web Server

Cloud Infrastructure Services

Caddy Web Server

Cloud Infrastructure Services

Caddy on Ubuntu 24.04. Secure websites with SSL Certificates. Acts as a reverse proxy and supporting HTTP/2 and HTTP/3. Optimised for Azure.

Caddy Web Server on Ubuntu 24.04

Caddy is a modern, open-source web server known for its automatic HTTPS features, ease of configuration, and performance. It simplifies serving static and dynamic web content, acting as a reverse proxy, and automatically obtaining and renewing SSL certificates through Let’s Encrypt. Caddy works by reading a configuration file (called the Caddyfile), where you define your sites, security settings, and routing rules. Once configured, Caddy takes care of the entire web serving process, including security and SSL management, without any additional dependencies or setup.

Caddy Use Cases

  • Serving static websites with automatic HTTPS setup.
  • Acting as a reverse proxy for dynamic web applications.
  • Managing SSL/TLS certificates automatically for multiple domains.
  • Load balancing traffic across multiple backend servers.
  • Running self-hosted services securely with HTTPS.
  • Proxying requests to internal APIs and services.

Caddy Web Server Features

  • Automatic HTTPS: Caddy automatically obtains and renews SSL/TLS certificates via Let’s Encrypt.
  • Easy Configuration: Caddy uses a simple and flexible configuration file (Caddyfile) to manage sites and routing.
  • Reverse Proxy: Easily proxy traffic to backend services or APIs with built-in reverse proxy functionality.
  • Static File Serving: Caddy can serve static files out of the box, ideal for simple websites.
  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 Support: Supports the latest web protocols for faster and more secure communication.
  • Security by Default: All sites are automatically secured with HTTPS, without needing manual certificate setup.
  • Extendable: Caddy has a plugin architecture allowing you to extend it with additional features.
  • Zero Downtime Reloads: Reload configuration without dropping connections or causing downtime.

Caddy Documentation / Support

Getting started documentation and support from: Caddy Web Server on Azure

Disclaimer: Caddy® is a registered trademark of Light Code Labs, LLC and is licensed under Apache License 2.0 license. The license comes with a "no warranty" clause, meaning the software is provided "as-is" without any guarantees or liability for issues that may arise.