
Cloud Infrastructure Services


Cloud Infrastructure Services

Next.js On Ubuntu 24.04. React framework that enables developers to build fast, scalable, and SEO-friendly web applications. Optimise for Azure.

Nextjs on Ubuntu 24.04

Next.js is a popular React framework that enables developers to build fast, scalable, and SEO-friendly web applications. It provides a powerful environment for both static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR), making it suitable for dynamic websites and web apps that require high performance and SEO optimization. Created by Vercel, Next.js simplifies the development of React applications by offering a comprehensive set of tools and conventions.

Next js Use Cases

  • Building SEO-friendly websites with server-side rendering (SSR).
  • Developing static websites with static site generation (SSG) that require high performance and fast loading times.
  • Creating e-commerce platforms that require fast page loads and high scalability.
  • Developing web applications that need dynamic routing and API integration.
  • Building progressive web apps (PWAs) with offline support and caching.
  • Creating content-driven websites or blogs with seamless data fetching capabilities.

Nextjs Features

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Provides pre-rendering on the server to improve SEO and performance.
  • Static Site Generation (SSG): Generates static HTML pages at build time, making websites faster and more efficient.
  • API Routes: Allows developers to build back-end functionality using Node.js directly within the Next.js app.
  • File-Based Routing: Automatically creates routes based on the file structure in the `pages` directory.
  • Optimized for SEO: With SSR and meta tag support, Next.js helps boost SEO rankings for web applications.
  • Fast Refresh: Improves the developer experience with real-time updates and feedback during development.
  • Image Optimization: Automatically optimizes images to improve loading times and performance.
  • Built-in CSS Support: Supports CSS, CSS Modules, and Sass out of the box.
  • Internationalization: Provides built-in support for multiple languages and locales.

Next.js Documentation / Support

Getting started documentation and support from: Nextjs on Azure

Disclaimer: Next.js® is a registered trademark of Vercel and is released under the MIT License. The license comes with a "no warranty" clause, meaning the software is provided "as-is" without any guarantees or liability for issues that may arise.