
CME - Student Information System (SIS)

CMEOffshore sal

CME - Student Information System (SIS)

CMEOffshore sal

CME - Student Information System (SIS)
Envisioned by higher education for higher education, SIS is the most cost-efficient, end-to-end enterprise software solution on the market today. Student-centric by design, this future-proof system is built to be universal, multilingual, multi-campus and multi-time zone, supporting European and American credit systems.

SIS enables higher education institutions to foster student success, deliver seamless and timely services to students, faculty and administrative staff, streamline and optimize core business processes, and found new partnerships for an ever-evolving learning mission.

A convenient and comprehensive platform built on Microsoft Azure and .Net framework, SIS is cloud-ready, ensuring always-on services, and providing scalability to cope with future growth. SIS efficiently integrates with partners and existing IT ecosystem and services such the institution’s ERP, LMS, CRM and collaboration tools.
Student Portal (mobile-first)
Teacher Portal (mobile-first)
Configuration & Administration Management
Cohort Management & Instance Enrollment
Student File Management
Teaching & Planning
Grades Management
Smart Notifications