Cosmian Key Management System (KMS) - Ubuntu 22.04


Cosmian Key Management System (KMS) - Ubuntu 22.04


Cosmian kms is a modern cloud-ready Key Management System for your encryption keys and certificates that remains accessible to you alone.

Cosmian kms is a centralized and comprehensive application to manage encryption/decryption processes, keys, and certificates for your entire organization, incorporating modern and advanced features for unified management.

IMPORTANT: Only use DCasv5 or DCadsv5 machines

Key Features:

Modern lifecycle management for keys and certificates : Cosmian kms offer cutting-edge features for managing encryption keys and certificates throughout their lifecycle.

  • Key storage
  • Key generation
  • Key rotation
  • Key distribution
  • Key usage policies

Advanced Public Key Infrastructure integration : Integrating seamlessly with external entities, the Cosmian kms facilitates Public Key Infrastructure management beyond the confines of your organization. Whether it's leveraging third-party actors or overseeing key governance, we ensure a streamlined and secure process.

Embedding standard and modern encryption libraries : Embracing both standard and contemporary cryptographic algorithms, the Cosmian kms boasts an unparalleled breadth of coverage.

  • FIPS 140-3 validated encryption libraries
  • Covercrypt: Post-quantum resistance & access policy
  • Findex: search encryption