Training Per Person Per Day CybergymIEC


Training Per Person Per Day CybergymIEC


Prevent up to 95% of cyberattacks on your organization

Upskill your workforce with a range of engaging training programs, that transform them from cyberattack enablers, into front-line cyber defenders.
CybergymIEC leverages a wealth of expert knowledge and experience gained as one of the most-targeted organizations in the world, to bring you a comprehensive cyber training package. Covering topics such as Incident Response Principal Tactics, SOC Intrusion Detection, ICS Defense Essentials, Crisis Management, Memory Forensics and much more, our training is designed to give your people the skills they need to become your organization’s first line of cyber defense.

Through a one-of-a-kind, hands-on cyberattack mitigation experience, participants get to practice teamwork under fire, as they defend against live attacks, run by real-life hackers, in an environment that reflects your own security and technology configuration. Learning essential professional skills, and gaining an insight into the hacker perspective, they become first responders with experience in the very cyber threat and attack scenarios that your organization could face.