Cybus Connectware - Azure Container

Cybus GmbH

Cybus Connectware - Azure Container

Cybus GmbH

A Data Integration Platform to manage data and connectivity in factories at scale

Cybus Connectware provides full data flow between shop floor and IT, while assuring the highest security requirements of manufacturing and logistics environments for absolute data sovereignty. It acts as a central integration platform between shop floor devices (PLCs, AGVs, sensors…) and management layer (ERP, MES, SCADA, Cloud services…), which allows easy, precise and controllable access to your data in near real-time.

Cross-data integration into your already established and trusted IT systems, local pre-processing and automatable roll-outs are further functions which qualify the Connectware as the most advanced central data hub for leading process and discrete manufacturing industries.

Global Data Flow
Any data is collected, preprocessed and standardized highly secure and in near real-time at the edge. Translated into MQTT, all your machine data is aggregated on one single platform and centrally distributed to your cloud, into databases or your enterprise systems. Connectware's omnidirectional functionality allows you an any-to-any global data flow and seamless connectivity.

One Single Platform
Connectware establishes a global data architecture and creates one single platform for any configuration, deployment and application. This lowers your IT architecture's complexity while accelerating your workflows, rollouts and digital projects. It is built on docker technology, Infrastructure as Code for highest scalability, a clusterable and extremely powerful MQTT broker and multiple components to assure smooth and secure operations in production.

Availability and Power
Particularly designed for the discrete and process industry, Connectware guarantees constant availability and power. Autonomous load distribution, Kubernetes deployments and agents assure nearly zero downtime in your production. The built-in rule engine directly preprocesses shop floor data according to your individual needs and aggregates, simplifies or standardizes your machine data before distributing it off the edge to Azure Services or other systems.

Unified namespace
Connectware acts as a unified namespace for your shop floor. As a centralized repository, not only the realization and improvement of your digital projects become simple. Also, error detection significantly accelerates as error messages and reports are standardized across all your shop floor assets.

Hybrid Edge-Cloud
Running on the edge, for example with Azure Arc and AKS, Connectware enables near real-time data handling and near zero latency, while giving you the chance to work with heavy data load. The hybrid approach minimizes cloud transmission by processing data locally and sending only relevant data in correct structure and resolution to AWS. While latencies and bandwidth needs are reduced, Azure Cloud is used for scalability.

Shop floors are highly heterogeneous with incompatible technologies needed to be integrated. While some enterprises solve this challenge by providing solutions, which are fully compatible with each other, their customers face a vendor lock-in and strong dependence on their products and services. Connectware breaks this interdependence by establishing a technology-neutral layer. It works fully independent of any manufacturer or provider, integrates the most heterogeneous assets and delivers free gateways to any system. Stay flexible and win the freedom to switch to more modern technologies or solutions anytime.