Conversational Analytics

Data Semantics Pvt Ltd

Conversational Analytics

Data Semantics Pvt Ltd

Get your Business Insights on Voice Assistants or Chat Messengers!

Enable your voice assistants and Chat messengers to report your important KPIs from BI Dashboards, CRMs, ERPs and ITSM applications.

·   Get real-time BI updates.

·   Automate your workflow.

·   Read important updates anytime, anywhere.

·   Get weekly updates on your email or phone.

Why Should you Choose Conversational Analytics?

The platform enables you to take quick decisions and automate your workflow, ultimately increasing the impact of your decisions.

o   Platforms- It works on any BI ecosystem like Power BI, Tableau or Qlik. The reports can also be sent on WhatsApp.

o   User Friendly- The platform hardly requires any training. It’s as simple as talking to your voice assistants or messenger bots.

o   Weekly Report Summary- The platform can send you regular executive summaries of your reports and queries on email or messenger.

o   Flexible Pricing- You pay only based on number of users and KPIs you want to be reported via this platform

o   Security- We follow the latest security trends to keep your data safe from unnecessary phishing attacks.

o   Quick Integration- We can integrate 2 dashboards or 5 KPIs for a free trial within 24 hours of your inquiry.