Pointzi Onboarding for Web and Mobile Apps

Dealsta Pty Ltd

Pointzi Onboarding for Web and Mobile Apps

Dealsta Pty Ltd

Onboard and Activate users to your Apps with code-free guides, FAQs, tips, popups, videos & feedback

Designed for Product Teams that create apps for users. Now you can Onboard and Activate users without having to write code or distract you're developers. Reduce churn and increase stickiness of usage by ensuring users know what each feature does, the main solutions are:
  1. Onboard and Educate: Capture the user's attention and lead them to an "aha" moment, so they experience the value of your product.
  2. Feature Discovery: Announce new Features, special promotions, system alerts. Show explanatory videos are just a few clicks to construct and deploy.
  3. Tooltips are added to your UI to remind people how to use a feature. Update these on-the-fly and measure usage.
  4. FAQs: Users often forget help but you can relaunch guides or videos by this convenient list-widget at the side of your App.
  5. Feedback: Ask a simple question or chain a sequence to get feedback. Trigger to a target audience or based on a user’s journey.
With Pointzi added to your Apps you now have instant ability to show users:
  • contextual tips, 
  • tours/guides
  • FAQs (page specific or site-wide),
  • popups, 
  • videos &
  • feedback. 

You can select your audience right-person-right-time to see the most relevant guidance. You can also measure the uplift with comprehensive analytics and goals.