Document management system - Enovatio Workflow

Enovatio sp. zoo

Document management system - Enovatio Workflow

Enovatio sp. zoo

Document management system - Enovatio Workflow

Intuitive system for efficient document flow, work automation, full control of activities and finances.

Document Management System – Enovatio Workflow is a platform dedicated to companies and organizations, regardless of their size or sector of activity.

It is a product designed for companies that strive to optimize business processes and improve workflow. Enovatio Workflow is applicable to such business processes as: cost invoice workflow, HR application workflow, requirements and purchase orders. Enovatio Workflow runs on the Windows Azure platform. It is a scalable and secure document workflow solution without high initial costs.

Ideal Solution = Enovatio Workflow

  • Fast document processing and very good information flow in the company.
  • Data transparency, efficient acceptance, reduction of time, costs and errors related to document processing.
  • Centralized database of documents and information.
  • One system and many functionalities, data permeate each other.
  • Save time, eliminate repetitive activities.
  • Cloud solution - effective remote work.
  • One place for workflow, document registration and archiving.
  • Increased employee productivity
  • Monitoring of conducted works
  • Correct flow of information
  • Scalable solution, possibility of integration with ERP systems.

Desired Outcomes

  • Reduction of time and costs related to document processing.
  • Free access to documents and information regardless of where you work from.
  • Efficient workflow and no business downtime.
  • Increased control over finances, documents and case handling.
  • Increased company productivity and information flow efficiency.

Enovatio Workflow includes functionalities:

Document management, tasks management, simple CRM, categories and products, reports, recording of working time, alerts and personalized email notifications, corporate/personal calendar, contacts library, API, possible: OCR, electronic signature, integration with ERP system.

Language: english, german, polish.

Target industry: all

Regulations of Enovatio Cloud Service: