Discussion Assignment by FeedbackFruits
Discussion Assignment by FeedbackFruits
Discussion Assignment by FeedbackFruits
Activate in-class debates on deliverables, cases or projects.
What is Discussion Assignment?
The Discussion Assignment tool allows teachers to structure a meaningful online discussion and drive peer learning in the classroom.
Why is Discussion Assignment useful for learning?
Discussion Assignment allows teachers to replicate a physical classroom and leverage the interactions in an online environment. Online discussions can help to teach students discussion and writing skills. Organizing an open-ended discussion will also sharpen students’ thinking and argumentation. In Discussion Assignment, the flow of debate is organized in such a way that it also includes the learning benefits of peer review and self-reflection.
How does Discussion Assignment work?
Students are asked to participate in the online discussion and to review the input of peers. In a more open environment, students can comment and upvote on all input. Once there is enough activity, teachers participate and guide the discussion. A reflection moment is incorporated to increase a deeper understanding of students. Some of its features include: