Frogmi Store Operations

Frogmi SA

(4 ratings)

Frogmi Store Operations

Frogmi SA

(4 ratings)

A powerful and simple to use task management and storecheck solution for retail

Frogmi centralizes communications to and from stores in one solution, where you can create tasks, assign and execute them, track their progress, answer storechecks, and more.

Retailers will be able to:

•Improve the visibility of what is happening in their stores
•Increase their sales through better execution of their operational variables
•Implement marketing campaigns on time
•React quickly and effectively to in-store incidents
•Improve the productivity their personnel and much more

Our task management functionalities allow the creation and execution of tasks very quickly from web or mobile. Storecheck features allow customers to easily create and assign questionnaires using different question types, answer logics, ask for image evidence.

With Frogmi, store managers, supervisors, quality control personnel, and more can perform store-audits which are configured so that, according to certain non-compliances, they automatically trigger tasks to support areas and track the resolution of those tasks

Frogmi Analytical web dashboards allow users to have visibility of what is happening in their stores and check the main actionable opportunities of their operation. It is also possible to configure Powerbi dashboards in order to create flexible dashboards adapted to the customer needs.