Fygi Scan Pay Go - Self-service for Retail

Fygi Technologies AS

Fygi Scan Pay Go - Self-service for Retail

Fygi Technologies AS

Self-service for retail, Fygi turns the users phone into a bring our own device POS.

Fygi Scan Pay Go offers self-service solutions to retail. Fygi’s philosophy is to offer physical stores the same opportunities available to online retailers. To be number one within insightful customer data, queue-free shopping, seamless customer journeys and delivering the best solutions for product information and payments.

Scan Pay Go brings together the digital with with physical. With Fygi, retailers have the opportunity to provide users with the digital experience in store. We are at the entrance of exploring the phygital shopping in store, we see this as a great opportunity in the market. In addition, over the last years almost all innovation for retailers includes a heavy investment in hardware, Fygi wants to change that by enable Scan Pay Go at the users phone, without any app download, scan QR and you are ready to go. We believe the retail market are ready for innovation.

With Fygi the user can use their phone as a POS, scan products and pay, all self served without queue and with detailed product information. Scan Pay Go as a BYOD POS (Bring Your Own Device POS) is a tool for the retailer to sell more, by getting the sale that would not happen without Fygi. Here are some examples.

  • Shop when the employees are busy helping other clients
  • Shop what you forgot, without getting back in the line
  • Shop on the go - grab and go with no human interaction
  • Shop at outside areas, gas stations, flowers outside stores etc. No need to enter the store.
  • Sell more to people in a hurry

Fast Moving Consumer Goods
All our experience with Scan Pay Go points to a very good market fit for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). Fast moving goods are the products you decide to buy in a second, best sellers, coffee, regular purchase and so on. This is a good fit for Scan Pay Go because the reseller would easily lose the purchase if they don't have self served option.

Why self-service with Fygi:

⭐ Increase sales with new customer journeys

Create areas for fast moving consumer goods to increase sales

⭐ Queue-free - Fygi Checkout solution

Less time operating till points. More time for your core activities: sales and service.

⭐ Fygi back office and insight

Generate more and better customer insights. Fygi not only knows what the customer actually buys, but also what products they consider and then choose not to buy.

⭐ No app download

No user onboarding required. They simply scan the QR code at the entrance and they’re off!

⭐ Security - Backup to the POS and payment terminal

Less attractive for ransomware attacks