Computerized Criminal History (CCH)

GCOM Software

Computerized Criminal History (CCH)

GCOM Software

CRRMS is a Computerized Criminal History (CCH) product built from the ground up using SOA principles

CRRMS is a Computerized Criminal History (CCH) product built from the ground up using SOA principles to implement the Sequence of Events in the Criminal Justice System defined by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics. GCOM realized that a product in this domain could offer substantial cost savings for our customers and additionally reduce the time to implement CCH applications. We understood that no two CCH systems will be identical as statutes vary from State to State, so all rules have to be externalized. We also took into consideration that a Product would have to be highly configurable as business processes vary significantly. Additionally while the federal interfaces will be common, state interfaces are invariably unique. Our architects took the challenge and created a design that allows flexibility while retaining the core functionality.