SupplySense AI


SupplySense AI


Optimize Inventory Management in Supply Chain Operations Leveraging AI/ML Models

  1. Demand Forecasting in Supply Chain:

    • Utilize historical data to predict future demand for each inventory item in real time, accounting for trends and seasonal variations relevant to supply chain operations.
  2. Lead Time Prediction:

    • Analyze past lead times to predict future lead times for each item within the supply chain in real time.
    • Calculate adequate safety stock levels to cover lead time variability and demand fluctuations specific to supply chain logistics.
  3. Dashboard Visualization:

    • Custom dashboards to display real-time supply chain metrics such as demand, consumption, lead time, and other KPIs.
    • Visualize predicted capital expenditure and order quantities to aid real-time supply chain decision-making.
  4. Material Order Recommendations:

    • Provide recommended order dates, quantities and vendor choice based on forecasted demand and lead times, ensuring timely procurement within the supply chain while minimizing excess inventory.
  5. Alerts for Overstocks and Understocks:

    • Implement real-time alert mechanisms to notify supply chain managers about potential overstocks and understocks.
    • Facilitate corrective actions to optimize CAPEX spend and maintain inventory balance within the supply chain.
  6. Generative AI-Powered Insights:
    • Enable users to interact directly with data, asking questions and receiving immediate insights, while leveraging Generative AI to analyze trends and provide real-time recommendations, enhancing decision-making and optimizing supply chain efficiency.