GreenPages Cloud Xcelerator Program - Biotech
Greenpages, Inc.
GreenPages Cloud Xcelerator Program - Biotech
Greenpages, Inc.
GreenPages Cloud Xcelerator Program - Biotech
Greenpages, Inc.
A blueprint that gives you the power to scale public cloud workloads with velocity
As biotech companies face increasing
competition from startups and with a venture
capital community on their toes to fund the next
big thing, it has become even more critical for
them to ensure that vital and ever more
complex treatments are discovered, approved
and made available, as efficiently and with as
low upfront cost as possible.
Digital transformation isn’t a desirable goal any
more, it has become a must. Still, biotech
companies continue to delay their investments
not because they don’t realize the value of Cloud
but because they lack the skill to translate their
existing on-premise security and compliance
practices to the Cloud