GreenPages Cloud Xcelerator Program
Greenpages, Inc.
GreenPages Cloud Xcelerator Program
Greenpages, Inc.
GreenPages Cloud Xcelerator Program
Greenpages, Inc.
A blueprint that gives you the power to scale public cloud workloads with velocity
The GreenPages’ Cloud Xcelerator Program is a series of three workshops paired with a reference architecture implementation that includes:
Cloud Opportunity Assessment - that evaluates the current technology platforms a client organization relies on and develops a clear roadmap for cloud enablement.
Cloud Readiness Assessment helps clients increase the success rate of cloud initiatives while mitigating risk of failure by uncovering client strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities in the key areas of Business, People, Governance, Platform, Security, and Operations.
Minimum Viable Cloud Proof-of-Concept that leverages GreenPages’ Cloud Xcelerator Platform—a live, hybrid-cloud, multi-cloud reference architecture—to help clients solve complex technical challenges around connectivity, identity and access management, security, and governance.