Green Project Technologies - Click to Decarbonize
Green Project Technologies, Inc.
Green Project Technologies - Click to Decarbonize
Green Project Technologies, Inc.
Green Project Technologies - Click to Decarbonize
Green Project Technologies, Inc.
One-Click Renewable Energy Procurement for Your Suppliers
Reducing supply chain emissions can be challenging. Ensuring that your suppliers have effective access to sustainability solutions is particularly difficult due to limited market access, inconsistent data, and varying levels of procurement expertise. Our holistic Click to Decarbonize dashboard removes these barriers, enabling your suppliers to easily purchase high-quality Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs), while allowing you to track their progress alongside your own. Through our platform, we offer a collaborative space that equips your suppliers with the tools and guidance needed to efficiently procure EACs. We also provide tailored education and ongoing support to help them reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which, in turn, lowers your Scope 3 emissions.
Simplify EAC Procurement
Enable your suppliers to enter renewable energy markets by providing the education and assistance they need to make informed EAC purchases.
Provide High-Quality Products
Ensure that your suppliers procure top-tier EACs while they align their emission reduction strategies with your organization’s sustainability goals.
Monitor Suppliers Decarbonization Efforts
Access charts that track each supplier EAC purchases over time and illustrate their impact on your Scope 3 footprint, delivering clear insights into trends and performance.
Simplify EAC Procurement
Enable your suppliers to enter renewable energy markets by providing the education and assistance they need to make informed EAC purchases.
Provide High-Quality Products
Ensure that your suppliers procure top-tier EACs while they align their emission reduction strategies with your organization’s sustainability goals.
Monitor Suppliers Decarbonization Efforts
Access charts that track each supplier EAC purchases over time and illustrate their impact on your Scope 3 footprint, delivering clear insights into trends and performance.