Imburse Payment Solution

IMburse AG

Imburse Payment Solution

IMburse AG

Access any payment partner or technology in minutes with none of the integration work.

Imburse is a cloud-based platform offering integration-free access to the global transaction ecosystem for enterprises. We have solved the IT integration problem so that you never again have to. Instead of having to integrate with single payment providers or payment technology providers, which can be time-consuming and expensive, our solutions allow for companies to connect to us, once, and thereby gain access to multiple different payment providers and technologies, for collections and payments.


Key Benefits

  • Reduce IT Integration Cost by eliminating efforts to develop and maintain integrations with payment providers.
  • Speed up Time-to-Market. With Imburse you gain access to any provider and any payment method all through one single technical integration.
  • Work with Best-of-Breed Payment Vendors. Mitigate Risks and Optimize Payment KPIs by selecting the most appropriate payment providers for your business and customers.
  • Go Global, Act Local. Improve your Customer’s Payments Experience by offering locally preferred collection and pay-out methods.
  • Access Single and Unified Reporting across providers. Increase visibility across the payment journey to enable automation and process optimisation.
  • Try Out new Business Models Quickly. Launch greenfield projects and new business models without having to do the legwork of integration to new payment providers and ensuring payment-related compliance such as PCI DSS and 3DS 2.0.

Target Audience and Clients

Our solution is geared towards any enterprise-sized company needing to solve for the complexity and cost of payment provider integrations, especially large corporate organizations with complex and legacy IT systems. Current clients include large European Insurance companies, such as Generali, Swiss Re, Mapfre, iptiQ, and more. 


The Solution

A cloud-based Payments-as-a-Service platform fully built for enterprise deployments. Our platform has been built in such a way that companies own IT teams or preferred IT supplier can manage the connection to Imburse. Our solution is hosted Azure making integration simple and accessible.