Instec Billing
Instec Billing
Instec Billing
Instec Billing
Instec Billing
Instec Billing comes with the same flexibility and rapid implementation as our policy management system. Self-configuration allows you to customize the management system to fit your business, and highly-automated workflows reflect a low-touch approach that maximizes efficiency.
Full-Featured Billing Software:
Instec Billing Software supports a wide range of payment plans, billing methods, and commission options, including direct bill, and the ability to configure installment plans.
Data Accessibility:
Easy access to the insurance data you need to manage your book of business, with numerous reports available out-of-the-box, including receivable aging reports, outstanding balances, and accounts in collection.
Self-Service Configuration:
Change payment plans or payment application rules for your custom products and programs, schedule invoices to meet your client’s needs, and add your company logo to generate branded invoices.
Fully Integrated:
Fully integrated with Instec Policy Admin Software, Instec Billing Software supports transactions throughout the policy lifecycle, and like Instec Policy Software, is cloud-based, so no new infrastructure is required.