Infiniti Trial

Intelledox Pty Ltd

Infiniti Trial

Intelledox Pty Ltd

Intelledox Infiniti Trial

Intelledox Infiniti is a solution-ready, low-code platform that empowers businesses to digitally transform paper- and forms-based manual business processes into intuitive, guided user experiences. Utilizing adaptive interviews, the platform collects data and information creating engaging communications. Infiniti digitally transforms business processes based on the customer’s personal preferences, device and location providing an adaptive experience.

The platform empowers business users when developing next generation forms, designing experience-driven workflows and delivering on demand customer communications.

The Infiniti Platform has a suite of connectors that seamlessly integrates into back-end systems for data aggregation (BPM, ERP, CRM) preserving data integrity and the investment in legacy systems.

When you’re trying to acquire, onboard or provide service to customers – or even your partners or intermediaries – you need to gather information. And since the dawn of paper and ink, often that means asking them to fill out a form.

Even if you’ve moved that form online instead of requiring paper, customers still really hate the process. It’s tedious and often mind-numbing. It’s slow. They have to re-enter information you should already know. They’re asked irrelevant questions. And today, if your forms aren’t web and mobile friendly, customers may not engage at all.

Chances are your organization faces internal challenges with forms, too. You may have data quality and integrity issues that affect compliance. Incomplete forms or manual processes mean delays and lost revenue. Time to market takes a hit when you can’t build a new web-based process quickly. And it may take you too long to respond to customer requests.

Are you stuck in the PDF paradigm?

Intelledox believes that the next-generation form really isn’t a form at all but an experience delivered through an adaptive interview, taking the idea of smart forms to a whole new level.

Replacing old-school, legacy paper, web and PDF forms, the adaptive interview is an intuitive, guided journey that is based on your customer’s personal preferences, device and location that collects cross channel data and information to streamline the data collection process.

Infiniti’s Workflow engine enables teams to collaborate, review, and approve data, content, and final documents. Workflows can be directed by a user to forward a project to a person or group or can be initiated based on business rules and the collected data. End-users can be anonymous and still be involved in experience-driven workflows.

Infiniti enables fast, accurate, and compliant production of documents, emails and all forms of digital communications.