Jagware NSF to EML Converter


Jagware NSF to EML Converter


Convert NSF to EML is the preferred choice of users for batch converting NSF files to EML

Jagware NSF to EML Converter is the top choice of users as it allows to batch convert NSF to EML at one shot. This software offers completely offline conversion to ensure that there is no risk of sharing data on the server. It offers a single-panel interface to be easily performed by any user, as it only requires browsing NSF files and providing a destination for the EML file, making conversion easier.
It allows the conversion of all attributes of an NSF file, such as emails, contacts, calendars, appointments, and all other data contained in the NSF file. It creates a separate EML file for each NSF file and offers fully maintained attributes as they appear in the NSF file. It keeps embedded attachments in their original format within emails for better readability.
The converted EML file is easily accessible on Thunderbird, Apple Mail, eM Client, and many more. Convert NSF to EML Tool allows converting all versions of NSF files exported from any platform, such as IBM Notes, Domino Server, HCL Notes, Lotus Notes, etc. Convert NSF files to EML Wizard also offers naming options to sort the resultant EML file in a specific order.

Top-Notch Elements of NSF to EML Converter

Batch Convert NSF to EML: Convert NSF to EML Tool is capable of converting from one to unlimited NSF files in a single shot.
Support Dual Upload Mode: It offers dual mode to select batch numbers of NSF files or directly browse the whole folder that contains batch numbers of NSF files to convert NSF files to EML.
Compatible with all variants of NSF files: This software allows you to convert all versions of NSF files exported from any source, such as Lotus Notes, IBM Notes, HCL Notes, Domino Server, or any other.
File Naming Option: It offers a naming option to sort the resultant EML file in a specific order, such as subject+date (dd-mm-yyyy), from+subject+date (yyyy-mm-dd), from+subject+date (dd-mm-yyyy), date (dd-mm-yyyy)+from+subject, date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)+from+subject, auto increment, and more.
Convert All Items from NSF File: NSF to EML Converter allows the conversion of all items from an NSF file, such as emails, contacts, calendar, appointments, notes, and other data available in the NSF file.
Convert Any Size of NSF File: Converting NSF files to EML allows users to convert any size of NSF file without facing any challenges.
Destination Flexible Option: This software offers destination flexibility to export to any path on your hard drive or an external storage location, such as an external hard drive, USB drive, flash drive, or any other type of storage device.
Resultant EML File Supportability: Output EML files can be accessed on all EML-supported platforms, such as Thunderbird, eM Client, Apple Mail, and many more.
Preserved Formatting and Metadata: It maintains formatting and metadata such as To, CC, BCC, and other data as they appear in the NSF file.
Keep Embedded Attachments Intact: Converting NSF to EML will preserve attachments within emails in their original format for easy location and quick email management.
Simple Initiative Interface: It is specially designed with a single-panel interface to directly upload NSF files and convert them into EML format. It is completely reliable for all types of users to perform the conversion.

What Makes Jagware NSF to EML Converter the Most Preferred Option for Users?

  • Convert NSF files to EML is capable of converting any number of NSF files.
  • Creates a separate EML file for each NSF email.
  • Keeps embedded attachments in their original file extension.
  • Convert NSF to EML wizard is helpful for all users as it was created with a single panel interface.
  • Offers a naming option to sort the resultant EML file in a specific manner.