Jagware NSF to PDF Converter


Jagware NSF to PDF Converter


Jagware Convert NSF to PDF Wizard is the trustworthy solution to batch convert NSF files to PDF docu

Jagware NSF to PDF Converter is the top recommended solution as it can convert unlimited NSF files at one attempt. Convert NSF to PDF capable of converting all items of NSF file such as emails, contacts, calendars, notes, appointments etc. Convert NSF to PDF supports all versions of NSF files exported from any platform such as HCL Notes, IBM Notes, Domino Server, Lotus Notes or any other. It also offers a file naming option that helps to sort the resulting PDF file in a specific order. The Resulting PDF file is compatible with all versions of Adobe Acrobat. It is specially created with a single panel interface to browse and convert NSF files directly and it is reliable to perform by all types of users. It offers Add New Folder feature to create a separate folder for the resultant PDF file. This software can convert any size of NSF file without facing any restrictions. It will create a separate PDF file for each NSF file. It's completely supportable with all versions of Windows operating system such as Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 and all older versions. This software has been completely examined by IT admins and technical experts and is also a trustworthy utility for millions of users.

Paramount traits of Jagware NSF to PDF Converter

Batch Convert NSF Files to PDF: Convert NSF to PDF Wizard allows users to convert individual or unlimited NSF files in a single shot.
Capable of Converting Any Size of NSF File: Jagware Convert NSF files to PDF capable of converting large NSF files without losing any bit of information and offers fully maintained attributes as appears in the source NSF file.
Compatible with All Versions of NSF Files: It is workable with all versions of NSF files exported from any platform such as Lotus Notes, HCL Notes, IBM Notes, Domino Server, or any other.
File Naming Option: It offers a file naming option to rearrange PDF files in a specific order such as subject+date (dd-mm-yyyy), from+subject+date (yyyy-mm-dd), from+subject+date (dd-mm-yyyy), date (dd-mm-yyyy)+from+subject, date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)+from+subject, auto increment, and more.
Convert All Items from NSF File: Jagware Convert NSF to PDF allows the conversion of all items from NSF files such as emails, contacts, calendars, tasks, appointments, and all other data contained in the NSF file.
Resultant PDF File Compatibility: The converted PDF file is compatible with all versions of Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader, Acrobat Standard, Acrobat Pro, or any other version.
Preserved Metadata and Structure: NSF to PDF Converter maintains metadata such as To, CC, BCC, signature, timestamp, as it appears in the NSF file.
Convert All Variants of NSF File: It allows the conversion of all variants of NSF files exported from any source such as Lotus Notes, HCL Notes, IBM Notes, or any other, ensuring maintained attributes.
Add New Folder: Convert NSF to PDF Wizard offers the Add New Folder feature to create a separate folder for the converted PDF file.
Flexible Destination Choice: It offers destination flexibility to export to any location on a hard drive or any external storage device such as a pen drive, external hard drive, flash drive, or any other type of storage device.

Why Do Users Consider Jagware NSF to PDF Converter Their Best Pick?

  • Capable of converting any number of NSF files to PDF documents.
  • Allows converting all items from an NSF file, such as emails, contacts, or any other.
  • Convert NSF to PDF Tool offers a single-panel interface to make it reliable for all users.
  • Converts any size of NSF file without affecting any attributes.
  • Provides naming options to sort converted PDF files in a specific order.
  • Keeps embedded attachments in their original format within the email.
  • The resulting PDF file is compatible with all versions of Adobe Acrobat.
  • Convert NSF files to PDF capable of converting all versions of NSF files to PDF.
  • "Add New Folder" allows creating a separate folder for the resultant PDF file.