Version 2025.01.0 + Free Support on Ubuntu 24.04
Neo4j is a powerful graph database management system designed for storing and analyzing highly connected data. It is widely used for applications such as fraud detection, recommendation engines, social networks, and knowledge graphs. Neo4j provides an intuitive query language (Cypher), high-performance graph traversal, and seamless integration with various analytics and AI tools.
Features of Neo4j:
- Native graph storage and processing for highly connected data.
- Cypher Query Language (CQL) for intuitive and efficient graph querying.
- High scalability with clustering, sharding, and indexing support.
- Integration with AI/ML, data analytics, and DevOps tools.
To access the Neo4j web interface, visit http://your-domain-ip:7474
Disclaimer: Neo4j is a proprietary and open-source software developed and maintained by Neo4j, Inc. It is licensed under the Neo4j Software License Agreement. Users must comply with Neo4j’s licensing terms and ensure its ethical and legal use. Neo4j is provided "as is," without any warranty.