Version 3.2.2 + Free Support on Ubuntu 24.04
OAuthlib is a Python library for implementing OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 authentication protocols. It simplifies the process of securing APIs and web applications, enabling users to authenticate and authorize third-party services without sharing credentials. OAuthlib provides an easy-to-use interface for handling token management and authorization flows.
Features of OAuthlib:
- Supports both OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 protocols for secure user authentication.
- Handles token management, including issuing, refreshing, and revoking tokens.
- Easily integrates with existing web applications and APIs to manage access control.
- Compatible with multiple authentication flows, including authorization code, client credentials, and implicit flows.
- Extensible and customizable for different OAuth use cases and environments.
To check OAuthlib version: pip show oauthlib
Disclaimer: OAuthlib is an open-source project distributed under the MIT License. Users should follow the licensing terms and best practices for implementation and deployment in their systems.