Total.js on Debian


Total.js on Debian


Version 4.5.0 + Free Support on Debian

Total.js is a modern, open-source framework designed for building web applications, RESTful services, and IoT solutions. It provides a robust and lightweight platform for developers to create scalable, real-time applications with ease.

Features of Total.js:

  • Support for modern web application development, including REST APIs, real-time WebSocket communication, and IoT integration.
  • Lightweight and fast, with a modular architecture for building scalable applications.
  • Built-in tools for debugging, monitoring, and performance optimization.
  • Support for custom extensions, middleware, and plugins to extend functionality.
  • Open-source and highly customizable to suit specific project needs.
  • Comprehensive documentation and active community support.

To get started with Total.js, ensure it is installed on your system. You can check the installation by running totaljs --version in your terminal after installation.

Disclaimer: Total.js is released under the MIT License. Users are responsible for understanding the licensing terms and ensuring compliance. Total.js is provided "as is" without any warranty.